Our Story (Testimony) 2.5 Years Later: The Beatitudes 1/18/2018
Pastor Dave speaks from the Rumley's story 2.5 years into treatment and into life. It's integrated with discussion from the Beatitudes, Matthew 5 vs 2 and 3, pointing the need for humbleness and grieving in the process of any loss we have in our lives. As Pastor noted, "It's challenging and practical from the story God is building in our lives."
The Wave
The Wave is a passionate conversation regarding how God leads us in our life. More precisely, God creates healthy atmosphere in which we can make solid choices. The problem is, will we learn to surf the waves or simply stay on the shore? You will understand as you listen to this.
The Furnace
The Furnace is a metaphor for understanding the crisis moment of our lives. Ultimately we lean into our history and make a choice to either trust God OR we become a victim and let anger and sadness rule. How do we make our lives ready now for moments and events we don't even realize are coming? You can also watch Furnace in our videos section.
DR at Connected Conference on Focus in Ministry
I speak in a raw way about my walk with Crisis as I describe my path with Brain Cancer. I end talking about anyone's role in ministry. It is with open candor I challenge as I believe God has placed this clearly on my heart to share. It is done in a humble fashion, there is not pride attached.
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